How to blur a face in tmpgenc 6
How to blur a face in tmpgenc 6

how to blur a face in tmpgenc 6

This means that no blur effect will be applied for this pin at all. STEP SIX: To start building up the field blur effect, drag the pin you have and place it on top of the area that you want to stay in focus, then change the Blur amount to 0. Click inside the Blur field in the Blur Tools panel and enter an integer value between 0 and 500 px.Drag the Blur slider in the Blur Tools panel to the right to increase the blur amount and to the left to decrease it.Move the mouse over the outer ring, then click-and-drag clockwise to increase the blur amount and counterclockwise to decrease it.To change the blur amount of a pin, select that pin by clicking its center, then you can either: STEP FIVE: To move the pin around, simply click on its center and drag it to a new position.

how to blur a face in tmpgenc 6

Click the Remove All Pins icon (curved arrow) to remove all the blur pins on the image. Tip: You can press the P key to turn the Preview on and off. When unchecked, you can view the original image without any blur. When checked, Preview shows the result of any changes in the blur filter's settings. If this box is checked, the preview might be rendered a bit slower, depending on your device. High Quality controls the rendering quality of the preview. STEP FOUR: There are a couple more controls in the Options Bar that might come in handy, as well. STEP THREE: At the right side of the screen, there are two panels: The main Blur Tools panel at the top with the Field Blur controls and options, and the Blur Effects panel at the bottom with some extra options for the bokeh effect. This controls the blur amount and position, as you'll see in a minute. You'll also notice a circular pin icon in the center of the image. Initially, the blur effect is applied uniformly to the whole image, creating a Gaussian Blur-like effect. STEP TWO: Go to Filter>Blur Gallery>Field Blur to open the Blur Gallery. This is an optional step, but smart objects are great when using filters, as they make the applied filters editable at any time, as well as create smart filter masks that can help with modifying and cleaning up the final results. Alternatively, you can select that layer and go to Filter>Convert for Smart Filters. STEP ONE: Open the clean image, Right-click the Background layer, and choose Convert to Smart Object. Christmas Lights â” Nov 30 by Lindsey Turner

How to blur a face in tmpgenc 6 how to#

This tutorial will show you how to use the Field Blur filter to make photos look more interesting by creating out-of-focus areas, along with masks and selections, plus a cool and easy way to create awesome bokeh effects.ģ. If you don’t like the look of the pixelation filter, you could also use other things to blur your face which can be found under Filters in the top navigation bar, then scroll down to Blur, then either choose Box Blur, or Motion Blur (the two that I find are most helpful when blurring a face or object).It basically enables you to add depth of field to flat images, and build a gradient of blurs using multiple blur points with different amounts of blur. This is the Before and After using the pixelate filter on a face in Photoshop. The larger the image, the larger the cell size you’ll have to use. The image I created uses a cell size number of 15, but use whatever fits your particular image the best. The higher the number, the larger the pixels will be, which Photoshop lets you preview as well. Step 3 – You’ll see a pop up menu that along the bottom asks for the cell sizes in squares. Step 2 – Once the area is selected go to the top navigation bar and click filters, then pixelate, then Mosaic You can see the dotted line on the face below in which I selected with the lasso tool. You can do this by holding down the lasso tool with the left mouse button and dragging a circle around the face. Step 1 – Once you have your picture loaded use the lasso tool (found on the very left selection column, second from the top) and select the area you’d like to pixelate. If you’d like to pixelate a face in Photoshop to keep the privacy of a person, or simply for the cool effect it makes (reminds me of minecraft a bit), I’m going to show you how you can easily use the pixelate tool to remove the identity of a face in Photoshop.

How to blur a face in tmpgenc 6